What we do for you
We offer the support, praise, persistence and passion, making what was once impossible for our clients, now achievable. We pride ourselves on our ability to increase our clients’ life quality through promoting their independence, choice, and ultimately their freedom.
At Your Care Services we will provide staff who are caring, understanding, competent and who respect your needs, dignity and wishes and who will promote your independence, choice and freedom within your care provision. Our skilled carers are able to use their knowledge and techniques to support any individual who requires support within their own home.
Every client in our care receives a highly specialised and comprehensive individually-tailored rehabilitation plan. This plan is created using a multi-disciplinary team approach and receives input from neuropsychologists, clinical psychologists, NHS trust professionals,specialised nurses and neurologists; this approach allows us to create a plan that provides our clients with the best possible care provision, and helps to achieve the best possible outcomes for the client from this care.
Our core services
Health and Social Care Services
We believe that by providing an integrated health and social care service our clients can achieve wellbeing and a quality of life. Our support plans detail what our clients can do and what support they require in all areas of their care including communication and decision making; personal care; eating and drinking; mobility, accessing the community etc. These plans detail what support is needed and the means through which it is delivered.
Complex Care
We believe that by providing an integrated health and social care service our clients can achieve wellbeing and a quality of life. Our support plans detail what our clients can do and what support they require in all areas of their care including communication and decision making; personal care; eating and drinking; mobility, accessing the community etc. These plans detail what support is needed and the means through which it is delivered.