Our care is driven by our high standards of good practice. These are based upon the standards set by our governors; the Care Quality Commission and the UKHCA. The care we offer is provided in a skilled and sensitive way.
Inspected and Rated by Care Quality Commission
Your Care Services is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for domiciliary care. The CQC is the independent regulator of adult health and social care services in England. It ensures high quality care within the NHS, local authorities, private companies and voluntary organisations. It seeks to make sure that all these services comply with the Health and Social Care Act (2008) and with its own regulations, and therefore ensures that these services meet the essential standards of quality and safety for service users. It is a single regulatory system which periodically reviews providers in order to ensure that they are compliant with such standards by conducting visits to company offices and service users’ homes, and discussing care quality with service users and their families.
These inspections work on a clinical governance system, made up of 21 outcomes which all providers must reach in both practical service and administrative work. Some examples of these are:
- Promoting high quality care whilst respecting service users’ rights, dignity and choice
- Making sure that the care being offered protects service users’ rights and safeguards them
- Respecting and involving service users within their care
- Ensuring that clients’ environments and premises are safe and suitable
To find out the results from our most recent inspection, please click here
United Kingdom Homecare Association Ltd (UKHCA) is the professional association of home care providers from the independent, voluntary, not-for-profit and statutory sectors. UKHCA helps organisations that provide social care, which may include nursing services, to people in their own homes, promoting high standards of care and providing representation with national and regional policy-makers and regulators. The Association represents over two-thousand members across the United Kingdom, in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
By being a member of the UKHCA we subscribe to a Code of Practice and must demonstrate our commitment to quality.